Greys is back!
Fy fan vad underbart! Äntligen. Sitter laddad framför min mastodont tv med ett glas rött och en ostbricka, kan faktiskt inte bli bättre...eller jo, Vickan kunde varit här så vi kunde återuppliva våra gamla Greys kvällar i Malmö.

Oooh nu börjar det igen!

Idag kl 17.00 är det dags igen, body pump. Ska blir förbannat skönt. Det är det alltid även om det känns som varje fiber i kroppen är på väg att brista den sista kvarten. Är det bara jag eller har det blivit väsentligt kallare de senaste dagarna? Har nästan drivis på parketten hemma.
I was sure it was Thursday today until about ten minutes ago. Damn. That really sucks. I liked the idea of being on day away from the weekend. Damn.

Anyhow, speaking of the up coming weekend. I am doing sweet F A...and I can't wait. I might try and get my friend to put my shelves up for me. Bribe him with dinner or something. Good plan!
Perhaps I will have another root around for the keys to the laundry room that I have put somewere and now cannot find, even if my life depended on it.


Great minds think alike
Thank god Cc is back! I missed my oh so like minded colleague and friend! It's nice to know I can simply rotate my chair about 45 degrees and give her the finger and she replies with "f*ck you too you retArd!"

Good friends are hard to come by you know.
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Ok, first off all, I like being busy and I like a fast moving pace. But I never claimed to be wonderwoman! I can't juggle two departments (on my own) AND help out in reception! I cannot clone myself. I don't care if people are sick - call Manpower and get a fucking temp to come in. It's NOT ok!

You're taking the piss!
Love my girls
Vi förlora, but I dont care! Hbg nxt!
Såg verkligen fram emot att få spendera kvällen med Maya och Vickan, skit länge sen jag fick krama lillan! Vickan är fast i Madrid och flyger först ut imorgon bitti...meh! Jag får nöja mej med film och bakadpotatis.

Imorgon blir det hockey med tjejerna! Rögle - HV71, och Lotta, I dare you att skrika HV ramsor i vår klack! Sen blir det käk, dricka, skitsnack och finally Hbg. Ska bli riktigt roligt!! Nu har jag tänt lite ljus och ska mysa i soffan ... kanske ett glas rött..


Great movie
Me and Vic watched a really sweet movie last night, "The curious case of Benjamin Button". I highly recommend it. Not usually a big fan of Brad Pitt but I have to say, he plays the roll very well. And Kate Blanchett....well what can I say, she is flawless and absolutely stunning!

Go see!
Ååååååååh Gud! Jag har sovit jätte illa. Jag väckte mej själv konstant hela natten eftersom jag har sån infernalisk träningsvärk. Det fan ett skämt. Jag kunde inte sova på sidan och varje gång jag försökte vända mej gnydde jag som ett skottskadat villebråd! Hur är det möjligt att ha träningsvärk på utsidan av låren!?! Dessutom skulle jag gått på yoga nu idag kl 10 men det kan jag fet glömma. Jag kan knappt sätta mej på toa utan att skrika.
Dagens glosa
Visste ni att det finns en muskel som heter inget mindre än "Den stora inåtföraren", även känd som "Adductor magnus". Jag erkänner, jag tänkte ju direkt på PENIS! Men vid närmre eftertanke insåg jag att det stämmer ju inte helt överlag...Nej, denna muskel går ifrån mitten av insida lår och fäster uppe i höftleden. Så jag var ju inte helt ute och cykla...samma region i alla fall.
Top ten lies men tell:
1. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine
2 This will be my last pint
3. No, your bum doesn't look big in that (I knew it!!)
4. I had no signal
5. My battery died
6. Sorry, I missed your call
7. I didn't have that much to drink
8. I'm on my way
9. It wasn't that expensive
10. I'm stuck in traffic

Top ten lies women tell:
1. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine
2. Oh, this isn't new, I've had it ages
3. It wasn't that expensive
4. It was in the sale
5. I'm on my way
6. I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it
7. I didn't have that much to drink
8. I've got a headache
9. No, I didn't throw it away
10. Sorry, I missed your call

According to a recent study, men tell 42 lies a week in average, this is apperantly twice as many as women. Any one care to comment??
Säger bara ett ord C-section! Klicka här!
*korsar benen as we speak*
The ketchup effect
Don't you just love's deadly quitet for weeks then you get a rude awakening, bombarded with emails, events, invoicing, other peoples invoicing, back tracking and doubbe checking, phone ringing, travel bookings and re-bookings, meetings, agendas, documents to be drafted and changed etc etc... the list goes on and on!!! I had a 15 minute lunch break today when I inhaled my food and went back to my desk and continued pulling my hair out!
Gaaaaaaaahhhh - still I'm leaving soon, off to do some Body Pump at the gym, let of some steam!
Men guuuud vad det ska blåsa! Hamna nästan i Limhamn när jag skulle gå hem.
Focus for fucksake!
Ok ok..inhale...exhale. I'm frustraded and therefore distracted, I know this yet I succumb. God dammit!

I need to do some invoicing, get info on a possible client event at MIF, answer emails, do travel intiniary and rsvp to invites etc...

Instead im writing this with my imagination running wild like a freight train!

Congratulations Daddy Jenn!
My bestest Chris became a dad yesterday! Congratulations my luv!
He looks adorable! It's a bit surreal - but absolutely wicked! Now I really have to get my arse in gear and come to OZ.
Big kiss to Marina and little Alexander!
Skade glädje är den sanna glädjen!
Fy fan vad roligt, kollar "Simon & Thomas design bla bla nånting" på 3an. De befinner sig på landet, Simon får syn på en häst som han ska mata och sträcker sej över staketet med lite gräs, råkar snudda vid och får världens stöt!!! Hahahaha han hoppar AS högt och skriker som en flicka..hahahaha! Thomas kommer springandes som en fjolla och frågar vad som hände och kameran hamnar åter igen på Simon som är helt glasartad i blicken *skrattar så jag har tårar i ögonen*..och ser helt förstörd ut..hahahahaha!!

Jag skrattar fortfarande...does this mean I'm a sadist?? Och i så fall, do I care? No.
To buy or not to buy
Hyreshuset där jag bor ska mest troligt ombildas till en bostadsrättsförening. Vanligtvis brukar det vara en gynnsam affär men jag är ganska skeptisk..av flera anledningar.

Ej bra:
  1. Bor jag i Malmös fulaste hus. Det är i bajsbrunt tegel och i direkt anslutning till ett parkeringshus.
  2. Korridorer som ser ut som i ett joke!
  3. Beläget på en kraftigt traffikerad gata.
  4. Badrum, tvättstuga och kök är daterat och behöver fräschas upp.
  5. Ventilationssystemet är helt kass och jag har svin kallt på vintern och as varmt på sommaren.
  6. Ganska lyhört.
  7. Ingen balkong.


  1. Billig hyra (inkl. el)
  2. Centralt

My gut feeling tells me no. Dessutom vill jag ha en tvåa, detta var ju en tillfällig lösning. Känns jobbigt och tänka på det, som om jag blir fast där. Dessutom är jag är van att kunna ta mitt pick och pack och gå om jag nu känner för det.

Mån - tors
Jobbar bara fyra dagar denna vecka - få förbannat trevligt!
Cc came and picked me up after lunch and we headed for "Knus" cafée. Tobbe, Martin och Sara joined and we had a late lunch in the gazin' sun, LUSH! Earlier on we had decided that we were gonna check out the fleemarket by Drottning torget, and let me tell you we came, we saw and fled like like a bat out of hell. It was basically riddled with shait and smelt of mothballs.

So, we drove to ÖB instead (cause it's almost like a fleemarket..sort of) and bought soap, cause you can never have to much soap! Plus it was actually the only thing I would bring myself to buy..

After that fantastic adventure we decided to have a coffee down at BO 01. By the time we found parking we were both hyperventilating and suffering from tourettes. Finally out of the car we headed for the Italian café only to be met by a que that went to hell and we though fuck coffee lets stick to fags.

Got home and prepared my meatballs that I never got around to yesterday. And it all a mess, they are falling apart! Not sure what happened. I am royally pissed off! I use to be a wicked cook... fuck it.
Hej hej
I think my upstairs neighbour has got serious a case of OCD. I'm not lying when I tell you he opened and slammed shut his front door a least 20 times last a row, no joke! Open, close, open, close... It was doing my head in!

Anyways, spent last night watching a weird movie with Cc and a small horse a.k.a. Atlas, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, he's the cutest thing. Massive - but sweeeet! I need to get my arse in gear and go to the gym today. I've been slacking..shame on me! Must call Lotta and see how the party went last night (I bailed out as I wasn't feeling all that).

Sen sommar!
Helt underbart väder! Man blir glad ända in i själen. Tagit det väldigt lugnt idag, segat framför datorn, druckit mängder av kaffe, målat naglarna, slumrat på soffan en stund och tjafsat i telefon.
Ska laga köttbullar i dag, med sås och potatis - så jeeefla gott! Lite störigt att jag inte fått mina böcker jag beställt, hade lätt orkat med att sätta tänderna i något bra, kände för att sätta "tänderna" i något bra redan igår, men somliga sov visst...

Finally friday
AW på jobb, fin kväll, blir en sväng till Lilla med Cc...
Eeeh ok
Hahahaha! Just found this add on "Blocket" (the swedish equivalent to the brittish "Loot"). They're selling a print they bought in Florens, trying to make out it all expensive, and they had it framed bla bla... and they hung it.. WRONG!

It's a "the Kiss" by Gustav Klimt (I got one myself) and they are suppose to be nealing in the grass, and the man leaning over kissing the woman. Not floating in mid air and the woman looking like she's got a severe neck injury!

I found a white dress by the way, a bit Startrekish, love the shoulderpads, I like it! Hopefully it will look good on aswell.
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Mat hybris
Seriöst, jag borde skämmas. Jag åt så mycket igår att jag är fortfarande mätt, och mår dessutom illa nu. Kallsvettas gör jag. Cc till och med ljög för killen bakom charkdisken när han fråga om hur mycket oxfilé hon skulle köpa. "vi blir nog en tre...ja kanske fyra stycken". Vi åt givetvis upp allt också. Herregud. Nästan man önska man var anorektiker. Fy fan, jag mår illa. Kommer kunna äta först på söndag...kanske.
"The Antichrist"
Fuck! I feel physically ill. I can handle most films but this was brutal and not to mention seriously disturbing! Not sure I can sleep now.

I need my teddy...
I could never be a vegitarian, ever. I crave red meat. Not every day but like once every two/three weeks I must have red meat. It's a sexual experience of the tastebuds. It would be like denying myself sex, which would be impossible. It is simply a must for my wellbeing and a sound metal state.

So I'm soon off to Cc's for some tenderloin steak, potatoe wedges and a sause made from false morels. We will enjoy this feast whilst watching Lars von Triers "Antichrist".

Hasta Maňana!
Fashion Faux pas

The eighties - you gotta love it!
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We have adjustable desks at work. But mine broke and has finally been fixed. So I'm now standing up as I am writing this! Whoohoo...about f*king time. I tried to raise my desk last week but nothing happened so I pressed the other button, which lowers it, and for some reason that one worked. Which left me sitting hunched over like the hunchback of bloody Notre Dame...I wasn't impressed..

All good now:

I've just noticed all the cords hanging down!!! Major trauma! I hate tangled cords! Shit.
Fan, trodde det var torsdag idag!
What's for dinner?
Inte den blekaste...Gud va jobbigt. Måste ta mej samman, gå till affären efter jobb. Skit farligt och gå dit när man är hungrig ju! Pasta? Nä. Pizza? Absolut inte. Soppa? För vattnigt. En köttbit? För...köttigt. Sallad? För nyttigt. En gryta? Ja faktiskt. I know...Coq-au-vin !!

Problem solved!
I found this CD this morning whilst rooting around for something else. Turned out it was old pictures. I've just finished watching all of them ..hahahaha

Chris & Marina, early hours. Lovely bunch chillin' out at home.
1999, London, Putney.

Me, really hungover, looking like roadkill after Jo's 30th.
2006, Skillinge

LOL! Lena is posing and Vic, hungover, couldn't care less..
2007, Båstad

Me & Jo, dinner @ Sand, Båstad

Cc...hahahah and we have been friends ever since!
2008, Kick-off, Stockholm

Maya at her first dinner party! LOL.
2008, Malmö.

Tommy Robredo and crew, not sure how they ended up on the boat, I poured them a drink and apperantly asked for the bill (my spanish is somewhat limited) which they though was hillarious. 2007, Båstad.

Me & Vic, incognito. Dinner at Sand. 2006, Båstad.

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Go morron
Det är alldeles klarblå himmel, ser nästan vindstilla ut dessutom. Det är definitivt höst idag. Det känns till och med lite kyligt i min lägenhet. Jag måste kofta på! Jag som annars sitter och näst intill blottar mej för grannarna.

I feel confused.
I'm not sure of what I feel..
..and if what I feel is real.
And if it is, does it even matter?
Reality check
I'm skint! Not really sure how this happened, but I am. I guess the summer finally caught up with me. I have to choose between going to the hairdresser or attending a B-day party this weekend, I can't afford both! How pathetic is that when your thirtyfour!?! I really don't like it. I feel like a bloody student. I don't like feeling restricted or limited. I mean I now I can't buy a kick-ass 8 beroom villa in Barcelona...(yet..), but you know what I mean.

Anyhow, another thing I don't like is when people make decisions that envolves me without consulting me...which I have just had the pleasure of discovering as we speak!

"...I'm waiting on you, waiting on u..cause the time is now.."

Just got back from a powerwalk down to BO01 and Ribban. Perfect endling to a perfect day! Vickan snuck in at half one this morning and we woke up at ninish and had some coffee. Later Lotta joined and we could give Vic her belated Bday present. Spent the afternoon talking shit and being stupid in general, as usual. Lotta joined her mum and Vic went to work later on. Me, I watched a wicked movie called "Taken" with Liam Neeson.

Oh yeah, and we got ticket to the game on the 26th, Rögle - HV71!! It's gonna be awesome!
7/7, 21/7 - 2005
Just finished watching "United 93". And I cried. I didn't wanna watch it really but I couldn't turn it off either. Can you imagine what these people must have gone through, what went through their minds as they realise? They were in the air for an additional 50 minutes from that the high jackers took over the cookpit, until it crashed. 50 minutes! The anguish and torment is probably beyond our comprehension.

It brought back memories from the bombings in London in july 2005. I remember it vividly. I've just passed through Liverpool Station that same morning, and hour and a half earlier, on my way to Stansted to catch my flight to Sweden. I was on my way to Båstad, Swedish Open. Later I found out there had been four attacks, three on the tube and one on a dubbledecker bus. Liverpool St, Kings Cross and Tavistock Sq. These are all places I travelled through on a daily basis. Approximately 700 people were injured, 52 of them died.

Two weeks later, there was another four attacks. I was at work and we all got evacuated as one of the attempts were att Warren Street station, next to where I worked. The detonators of all the four bombs exploded, but for some reason none of the main explosive charges detonated. Luckily there were no casualties.

I stopped taking the tube for a while and travelled only by bus. And I always sat downstairs, so I could see who got on. But I soon realised that if something was gonna happen it could happen anywere. And I'd be damned if I was gonna subject their ways. People were uneasy at first, but their recillience were incredible.

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Så väldigt mycket fredag idag. Jätte skönt. Helgens agenda ser ut följande:

- Jobba
- Ev ta en aw öl med Lotta
- Kolla "Män som hatar kvinnor".
- Njuta av gott rödvin, ost & kex.
- Somna på soffan med täcket.
- Vakna vid 9-10 ungefär.
- Dricka kaffe i fleecemorgonrock och mysa med min Mac.
- Träna eller gå vid havet (beroende på väder).
- Duscha.
- Göra inpackning i håret och fixa naglarna.
- Träffa Johanna, snacka skit och brassa något ihop.
- Sova.
- Vakna av att Vickan kommer.
- Somna om.
- Vakna och ut gå vid havet med Vickan.
- Käka bullfrulle med Vickan och catch-up.
- Säga hej då till Vickan vid tre :(
- Träna.
- Bada badkar!
- Kolla "Public Enemies".
- Sova.
*LOL* Hahahahaha... hahahahaha..*stomach cramps*...hahahaha *LOL*
Just finished watching the Swedish Pop Idol. Some of these people...honestly. They must take the piss!
Ååååh gud!
Vilken jä*vla ärketönt! (Klicka här) Ironiskt nog ser han fan ut som Chewbacca...and that's not a good ting. Is he smiling or is he about to bite? Och MacGyver?!
Let there be light..

What say you? I want it, above my kitchen table. It's a bit pricy though concidering I will use it as kitchen decor. Still, I like. I like it a lot.
Dagens citat
Greys Anatomy:

Callie turns to Mc Steamy for advice after having a bad sexual experience with her girlfriend:

Callie: - "I need your help"
Mc Steamy: - "What, I'm kinda tired but if you wanna get on top and do all the work then..."
Callie: - "No not like that. Last night we kind of... did it I think"
Mc Steamy: - "Oooh well congratulations"
Callie: - "Well thats just it..."
Mc Steamy: - "What?"
Callie: - "No, I mean I froze and didn't know what to do sort of..."

Mc Steamy stands up with a disillusioned look on his face and heads for the door.

Callie: - "No don't go!"
Mc Steamy: - "Seriously, vizualizing two girls getting in on is HOT, hearing one of them complaining about it is damn right depressing...actually it's just wrong!"

Love Greys!

Plats: Hemma, Malmö
Vakna: 06.30 (why?!?)
Kaffe intag: 2 glas
Te: 1 kopp
Antal vuxen sysslor gjorda: 1st (tvätt - gäsp!)
Antal vuxen sysslor kvar: 1st
Antal tankar om att skita i sysslor: 2st
Anledningar hittade för ovan: 0 (fan!)
Telefonsamtal bestående av skitsnack: 1st (45 min)
Humör: neutralt
Rastlös på en skala: 7/10
Antal orena tankar: 4st
Antal svordomar över viss person: 20-flera
Antal försöka att förtränga viss person: 20-flera
Fantasier om att snooza: 1
Besök till gymmet: snart 1
"The Hangover" part II
Ok, last one I promise, by the way Bradley Cooper is ridiculously hot!

..."Besides, Indiana Jones wears one.."

Love him! Love his stupid pose and the way he shruggs his short hair!
Oh well
This could be a potentially interesting day. Apperently, I have from my hotmail adress, just sent a virus via some spam email to everyone in my entire adressbook. Don't ask me how!?! Do you know how many people I've got in there? Quite a few...
We're talking people from way back. Ex-boyfriends, old/new work colleagues, businesses, work references, family members... pretty much everyone I know (or have known..and some of who I do not wish to know anymore) is in there.

"The Hangover" - classic

Calorie check
Food intake yesterday:

- Breakfast (boiled egg, shit loads of coffee and hardbread with liverpaté)
- More coffeè and some Proviva
- A bag of popcorn
- Parmaham rapped chicken fillet with ovenbaked potatoes
- More coffée
- Pick'n mix candy + chocolate + Coke.
- Pasta Bolognese (at 10pm!!!)

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Did my previous posting just now sound a bit PMS-ish? Yeah, I thought so to... damn.
How come most take away places in this anally retentive country don't do home delivery? Hmm? Why? Is it a Malmö thing? Someone, please, enlighten me! I would gladly pay good money to have my food delivered to my door step. Especially on Sundays. Cause Sundays are kind of sacred to me (and no, I do NOT mean that in a biblical sense). On Sundays I sleep til late, I lounge around in my underwear and read the paper or watch a bad moive. I don't wanna put clothes on and go to the shop and listen to children having tantrums and get run over by prams, all in the quest for food. And I don't wanna cook! least not today.
White Sensation
Just bought tickets to White Sensation - Copenhagen, 31st of October. It's gonna be siiiiiick!
Theme: Wicked Wonderland

Hmmm.... what to wear...
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Project "Hallway"

Today I finally got my arse in gear and finished what I started in my hallway. I've painted the chest and bought a mirror to go on top, spray painted my other mirror golden and hung the picture. Pretty chuffed actually. Of to dinner with the Lindgren sisters.

Feed me
Christ! I'm so hungry right now. No joke, my stomach is making loud squeeling noices. Tonight I'm gonna make ternderloin steak, sautéed potatoes with a red wine glace.

Oh, and by the way, my bump on the forehead - which I by the way aquired from smacking my head agains the wall...literally (don't ask!) - is now a nice shade of light blue... really compliments my eyes.
Looks fu*king ridiculous!

Love this tune, puts me in a really good mood. Headphones on - Cranking up the volyme, singing out loud, practically dancing on my chair right now!!! Raaaaaaaaaaaahhh

T - 5 hours... and counting
I'm exstatic over the fact that it's friday. I forgott to set my alarm last night and overselp a bit..
Went to Mello yesterday for a bit before heading off to Babel. It's been ages since I was there - think it was even called Jeriko back then. See, ages. It's a really nice venue, and I use to go there all the time, until my somewhat deluded Ex decided to inhabit the place, and frankly, the place wasn't big enough for both of us.

So, at work. And of course I'm also backing up two other departments due to other people being off sick. Oh yeah, I got a HUGE bump on my forehead... looks kinda of funny. Tell you all about it later..

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J.J & Junior's birthday bash @ Babel
Should be a good night! But I'm gonna have to hold back...after all it's Thursday...real shame...cause I'm on my worst behaviour ...

Trip down memory lane!

I stumbled across this awesome tune last night, took me back 10 years! London - Nottinghill Gate - Pembrigde Square - OZ Bar!! Good times :) I had a huuuuge crush on Gavin Rossdale back then...

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Left vs Right (round 1)
I crave something..someone. There is an ongoing battle in my head and it goes a little something like this:

Left brain: - "Don't even go there!"
Right brain: - "Why not?"
Left brain: - "It's a dead end"
Right brain: - "Yeah, but it's a really... interesting dead end"
Left brain: - "It's a DEAD END!"
Right brain: -"Yes, but I know CPR.."
Left brain: - "You will need CPR when I'm done kicking ur arse...mentally that is"
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Going to the Swedish "mecka" with Cc after work. Need to get som tealights and browse around for some usless utensils that I will never use. Actually this would be a perfect opportunity to get some new baskets and rails for my so called wardrobe.

Check out their latest ergonomical chair!
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Achtung! Djupt inlägg
Jag är tror absolut att moderjord/universum kräver sin balans. Kalla det Yin & Yang om du vill. När denna balans rubbas får vi ta del av konsekvenserna d.v.s jordbävningar, översvämningar, svält, växthuseffekt etc, och det tragiska är att det är vi människor som orsakar detta. Enbart vi.

De flesta levande organismer agerar utefter instinkt och har därmed sin roll i ett kretslopp. Vi däremot agerar utefter känslor, sådana som girighet och maktbegär. Det finns inga andra varelser som är så självdestruktiva som vi, a.k.a "människan". Inte nog med att vi skiter där vi äter, vi ska givetvis ha ihjäl varandra också. Här kommer det mest skrattretande: Varför? Handlar det om ren överlevnadsinstinkt? Nej! Vaddå? Vi ser ju olika ut för fan, och han där borta tycker inte som jag! Buhuuu, jävla sandlåde nivå! Det är fan inte ofta man är stolt över att vara människa.

Sen har jag en liten fråga till alla ni där ute som är troende: Om nu Gud (eller vad ni nu kallar honom/det) skapade människan, varför skapade han oss alla olika, med en egen vilja och tänk om det nu är så att det bara finns en åsikt/religion/levnadssätt som är den rätta? Vad är det för ett litet sadistiskt experiment?

Jag blir så trött på att läsa om fanatiska idioter och dispyter. Trött på löpsedlar om mördare och föräldrar som torterar sina barn. Trött på att lyssna på debatter om klimathot sjunkande världsekonomi. VAD ÄR DET FÖR FEL!?! Är det bara jag som reagerar?

I feel like I'm taking crazypills!
@ Work
Managed to drag my arse to work. Still in a haze. Even coffee seem to have an adverse effect on me!

Perhaps I'm not getting enough fresh air? Maybe.
Or am I getting to much? (Naaahhh).
Do I have to many late nights? No.
Maybe I'm sleepwalking? Doubt it.
Is someone else keeping me awake at night? I wish!
Could this all be a dream and I'm acutually sleeping right now? Hopefully.

Your Sincerely,
I'm up
...but not really awake. I'm in my very own limbo. At the corner of "alarm just gone of" and "snooze street". It's become a bit of a problem. Not sure how to tackle it, suggestions?
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Couldn't have said it better myself!

..."so please don't stay in touch"

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Sweet September
Today we go back to "wintertime", i.e. instead of finishing at four we now work until five. Lord have mercy! And believe me, that last hour seems like an eternity. And of course, according to the weatherman, today will be a scorcher. Happy days...
Besökare idag Totalt