Cold facts
As you know, every now and then I share some "vital" facts about myself ... yes, of course I'm being sarcastic! Anyhow, here's another few:
  1. My middle name is Marie.
  2. I played the "C flute" for 4 years and I was pretty damn good.
  3. Green tea makes me really nauseaus.
  4. I don't have a driverslicense.
  5. If there's a beat - I'm dancing.
  6. I cook a mean curry.
  7. I sing in the shower..and I don't care.
  8. I think peanutbutter is fantastic (straight from the jar of course).
  9. I twirl my hair when I'm nervous.
  10. My ears are very sensitive!
  11. I'm a littel bit supersticious.
  12. I absolutely love the ocean but I'm terrified of sharks.
  13. My longest relationship lasted 4 years.
  14. My short term memory really sucks...thank god for post-it notes!
  15. I've never fired a gun.


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