Doctor please!
Great, managed to get a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning. Why is it that when you call up and speak to the nurse they always sounds really sceptic, like they don't believe you.

Phone call to doctors surgery:
Me: - Hello, I need to see a doctor asap please.
Nurse: - Why? (I can feel her eyes squinting)
Me: - Cause I'm sick....(duhh)
Nurse: - Whats wrong with you?
Me: - I'm coughing my lungs out.
Nurse: - Is it a chest infection?
Me: - How would I know, that's why I need to see a doctor... (christ!)
Nurse: - Are you coughing?
Me: - eeeh YES..
Nurse: - ok, I think you might need to see the doctor.
Me: - Really, you think!
Nurse: - 9.20 am tomorrow, is that ok?
Me: - Perfect! ... (weirdo)

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