Jag ska köpa min lägenhet, de ska ombildas till en bostadsrätts-förening. Skit bra. Eller hur? Jättebra chans att kunna mest troligt göra en vinst och ha en liten trevlig ekonomisk plattform att utgå ifrån. Joooooooo... Det jobbigaste är dock att då är jag "fast". Jag har liksom signat upp mej och åtagit mej massa vuxet tjafs som kräver en del. Bland annat cash.

Ska till banken idag och be om "vuxenlån", sånt som vuxna har. Jag ska snacka amortering, fast eller rörlig ränta bla bla... Fatta mej inte fel, jag är vuxen (med extremt stort barnasinne) men har alltid haft friheten att kunna dra när som. Inga konstigheter. Jag har bott i Malmö i 4 år och de är fan det längsta jag varit på en och samma plats sen god knows when.
Åååhh guuuud, tycker faktiskt detta är skit jobbigt. Kul, men skit jobbigt.

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11 Responses
  1. Anonym Says:

    Typed this into a swedish translator and it came out with "I must commit mass adult action". You brazen hussy! :)

  2. Anonym Says:

    Typed this into a swedish translator and it came out with "I must commit mass adult action". You brazen hussy! :)

  3. Kaii Says:

    HAhahahah!! Brazen - yes. Hussy - No. Who is this by the way?

  4. Cc79 Says:

    I'm happy for ya! And glad that you're stuck in Malmö for a while. Love it! This is a good thing.

  5. Jonas Says:

    Whatever you do don't get mortages with fixed interest. I did, had to pay 45K when I sold my flat. Stupid me......

  6. Kaii Says:

    What!?! Why??? Im such a rooky, elaborate pls? See, who's stupid now...

  7. Jonas Says:

    Well. Since my mortages, had split them into several, where mostly fixed to 3 and 4 years. I was forced to pay the bank their loss of interest for the coming years when I sold the flat. The security for the loans didn't exist no more since I didn't buy a new flat so I could not transfer them....

    Lesson learned: -Don't get fixed interest unless you are 100% certain you will stay in the same flat or if buy another one.

  8. Kaii Says:

    Aaaaaha I see.Thanks for the info! Well the plan is to sell, rather sooner than later. Maybe stay on another year... tops, depending on the market obviously.

  9. Kaii Says:
    Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  10. Anonym Says:

    Hey Kai,

    I'm the anonymous poster... lots of love from Australia


  11. Kaii Says:

    Hahahah phew! I was getting worried there for a minute. Chris you sly litte *piiiiip* ;)

    Don't worry, I'm not "committing any mass adult action" Hahahaha. I'm simply buying my flat. See, nothing hussyish about it!

    Love u!


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