The Tiger & Elin saga
I guess you've all read the papers about the affairs that Tiger Woods more or less admitted to having. First of all I have to say how utterly ridiculous it is that these kind of "news" hits the front page of every single newspaper in the world. Not to mention the headlines of BBC, CNN and Skynews. Seriously? This is front line news? No, this is the oldest news there is!

People cheating on people, the betrayl, the lying, the backstabbing, manipulation..

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. And you make a mistake once, you lear from it. You do not repeat them over and over, because then, it is a delibarete action.

I still to this day get very saddened when I get reminded of the person closest to me at the time, whom I loved and trusted and was also my best friend, was capable of betraying me in such a dispicable manner. The hurt, the anguish and torment, the humiliation and utter dispair was unbearable. This was not a mistake. It broke my heart, and it was beyond repair for a very long time.

However, karma is a gotta love it.
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