Thinking of going to Ikea today later on. Still need a lamp above my kitchen table.
Once again, I have had the unpleasent experience of finding out what people are capable of. No one is perfect, everybody fucks-up and makes mistakes. But it's not a mistake when you deliberatley choose to go down a path that puts other people in a shitty position. And I'm not talking about hasty actions but a decision that you make and then have several hours left to ponder upon before it all goes Pete Tong!! But I guess that's one of the many privilages of not having a concience. Didn't you think I'd notice? Or perhaps you thought I wouldn't care? You don't know me so how dare you put me in a position like that!
It saddens me and I get really angry, I should have seen it coming. God knows I've had plenty of experience, but I'm only human. I have no time left for people like this, stay the fuck away. There is nothing you can do/say to make it ok, IT'S NOT OK.
It saddens me and I get really angry, I should have seen it coming. God knows I've had plenty of experience, but I'm only human. I have no time left for people like this, stay the fuck away. There is nothing you can do/say to make it ok, IT'S NOT OK.
Woke up before the alarm with a headache!?! I stayed in last night, watched "Lord of the Rings" for chirst sakes. And this is my reward! No, seriously, my neck is a bit buggered. I need to go and see Jo, she a chiropractor and she will sort me out in no time.
I completed mission "Major Clean" yesterday. Took me hours. I dusted, I hoovered, I mopped the floor, did the dishes and laundrey. And I only live on 40 square meters.
I'm plonking myself on the train soon, off to see Mum and Sis. We're bracing ourselves for this massive car boot sale. It's gonna be awesome. I'm on the lookout for paintings and books.
Wish me luck!
"It's complicated...It always is.... that's just the way it goes"
Flexa ut tidigt igår med ambitionen av att gå hem och städa (jag vet, så förbannat tragiskt men ett måste). Saken var bara den att när jag kom hem var det ca 33 grader i min lägenhet. Ni tror väl inte på fullaste allvar att jag asar runt en dammsugare i den hettan. Så jag vilade istället.
Vaknade och var sällskapssjuk och drog hem till Cc och Jenny som lagat käk till ett helt kompani. Krängde kyckling och snacka skit. Richert joina oss senare och kom även med lite proviant, d.v.s chips och Cola. Vi avnjöt denna fantastiska dessert till en gammal klassiker "Zoolander".
Löööööv Mr. Mugatu!
Vaknade och var sällskapssjuk och drog hem till Cc och Jenny som lagat käk till ett helt kompani. Krängde kyckling och snacka skit. Richert joina oss senare och kom även med lite proviant, d.v.s chips och Cola. Vi avnjöt denna fantastiska dessert till en gammal klassiker "Zoolander".
Löööööv Mr. Mugatu!
Yesterday I bought a mop, you know, textile mounted on a plastic handle - used for cleaning, you with me? It cost me 165 kr!! There is no golden emblem, not one single Swarovski crytal on the handle and the textile is certainly not silk. WTF!!
IT'S A GOD DAMN MOP for christ sakes! Am I stingy or is that daylight robbery?
IT'S A GOD DAMN MOP for christ sakes! Am I stingy or is that daylight robbery?
Found this clip on a friends blog and I just had to nick it. This is one f*cked up individual.
"there is nothing wrong with me..." OK, if you say so. People like this should not be allowed to walk the streets!
"there is nothing wrong with me..." OK, if you say so. People like this should not be allowed to walk the streets!

Sitting at work, feeling a bit off. Thinking about Marbella, the people, the vibe and the awesome music! This clip is taken from our second day there at "Rock & Chick" at "Finca de la Concepcion" We got introduced to this amazing guy that plays the sax like there's no tomorrow, I'm now an avid fan! It is, the one and only: Ruben Moran!
What an amazing night! Sends shivers down my spine everytime! See, I'm smiling already :) Miss you all!
I should really:
Sort out my wardrobe
Put up the shelves I bought three months ago...
Mop my floor
What I really want:
Get a massage
Keep my tan
Watch a really good scary movie
By shoes
I have:
Had several cups of coffee
Given my wardrobe drity looks
Walked with my shoes on, indoors
Just bought a jacket
Sort out my wardrobe
Put up the shelves I bought three months ago...
Mop my floor
What I really want:
Get a massage
Keep my tan
Watch a really good scary movie
By shoes
I have:
Had several cups of coffee
Given my wardrobe drity looks
Walked with my shoes on, indoors
Just bought a jacket

To top it all off, I'd forgotten to fasten her aswell so as I'm pushing the pram on the kobbled streets of Malmö, she is sliding further and further down. Needless to say it looked somewhat uncomfortable... still she didn't wake up so can't have been that bad.
Last night of the festival yesterday, thank god. Tired of my entrance smelling of piss every morning. Still, it was good fun. Went out with Lotta and friends and ended up dancing all night to some wicked tunes! I'm tired as hell, tried to get some kip earlier but it's just not possible, Bloody traffic!
Gonna have a BBQ with a Spanish twist (Sangria & beers) at Cc tonight, so I really should hit the shower and throw something on.
By the way, why have I got the themetune from Dallas on my playlist on Spotify? How bizarr!
Almost there. This has been the longest day in creation! Got in at work at 9.30 today *blushing*...felt a bit rough this morning to say the least. Memo to self: "you are still not capable of mixing red wine and beer - so don't". Even my boss laughed at my sorry excuse for an appearance. I had some time on my hands this afternoon so I browsed a bit on the net and came across this very proper description of my current condition:
"A hangover describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages"
Hahaha I'm cracking up...sum of unpleasant physiological effects..... *LOL*

... still it's Friday...
"A hangover describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages"
Hahaha I'm cracking up...sum of unpleasant physiological effects..... *LOL*

... still it's Friday...
"You don't get sharks in Sweden...bla bla bla..."
What do you call this then?? Hmm?
Evil looking, eating machines, they freak me out!
"You don't get sharks in Sweden...bla bla bla..."
What do you call this then?? Hmm?
Evil looking, eating machines, they freak me out!
Jag älskar skuggan på Blå himmeln bar.
Jag går dit och dör en bit, en bit varje dag.
Där dansar oskulden som glittrande guld.
bland trasiga hjärtan dränkta i skuld.
Här kan man andas
om du glömt bort
hur man andas
Här kan man älska
om du glömt bort hur man älskar.
Jag älskar fablernas månskenscafé
här i gråterskornas kvarter.
Jag sköljer ner alla vintrar som vart,
här e synden en ovärderlig skatt.
Här kan man andas...
Det finns inget rent kvar,
nej, det finns inget rent.
Det finns inget som kan kallas för smak.
Här sitter Venus och ser ut att fått nog
i en underbart barnförbjuden pose.
Och min grogg liknar en laddad pistol
när jag sjunger den blå himmel blues.
Så jag kan andas
för jag glömt bort hur man andas.
Så jag kan älska
för jag glömt bort hur man älskar.
Jag går dit och dör en bit, en bit varje dag.
Där dansar oskulden som glittrande guld.
bland trasiga hjärtan dränkta i skuld.
Här kan man andas
om du glömt bort
hur man andas
Här kan man älska
om du glömt bort hur man älskar.
Jag älskar fablernas månskenscafé
här i gråterskornas kvarter.
Jag sköljer ner alla vintrar som vart,
här e synden en ovärderlig skatt.
Här kan man andas...
Det finns inget rent kvar,
nej, det finns inget rent.
Det finns inget som kan kallas för smak.
Här sitter Venus och ser ut att fått nog
i en underbart barnförbjuden pose.
Och min grogg liknar en laddad pistol
när jag sjunger den blå himmel blues.
Så jag kan andas
för jag glömt bort hur man andas.
Så jag kan älska
för jag glömt bort hur man älskar.

Hej! Ikväll ska jag kolla a all time favourite på Stortorget: THÅSTRÖM! Jag är praktiskt taget uppvuxen med honom och f.d Ebba Grön och Imperiet. För Syrran, som är ett vrål-fan och hennes kille, är det praktiskt taget en religion. Till och med deras barn, i väldigt tidig ålder, stod och hoppa i vardagsrummet till "800 grader".
Anyhow, solen skiner dessutom = glad! Så summa summarum, det känns helt j*vla ok just nu.
A bientôt!
Anyhow, solen skiner dessutom = glad! Så summa summarum, det känns helt j*vla ok just nu.
A bientôt!
"No, I did not hit you! I simply high-fived your face"
I'm really cold! Had to put my little electrical heater on just now, only problem is, it sounds like some small rodent has crawled into the actual fan unit and built a nest in there somewhere. It's making this weird swirling noice. So, it's either listening to that or get hyperthermia. Decisions decisions...
I have all evening, swear to god, walked around thinking it's Thursday. I even thought the exact following: "god, this week has gone past really quickly".
Christ!! Get a grip Kaii...I should probably go to bed.

During all this, I've had my handbag hanging on my arm and it's not zipped up either. As I've just finished the sentence, I look down and I see this other little shit has got her hand down my bag going for my wallet! I grab her hand, but she wriggles her way free so I'm left standing the her gross jumper, and she runs off through the crowd. The other woman is just standing there, with the same grin, pretending she doesn't know her.
Afterwards I'm so pissed of, seriously fuming. F*cking parasites! If she'd managed to get hold of something I swear I would have chased her around the globe if I had to!
And no, I'm NOT prejudice and certainly NOT a racist. I simply cannot stand thieving, lying scum!
My arms hurt when I try to put my hands on keyboard. No joke! Think I might have gone overboard at the gym yesterday... Naaaa! I could hardly wash my hair last night as they were shaking uncontrollably as I tried to raise them over my head..hillarious!
Vacations is over, time to get fit! Today - Abs!
Vacations is over, time to get fit! Today - Abs!
As you know, every now and then I share some "vital" facts about myself ... yes, of course I'm being sarcastic! Anyhow, here's another few:
- My middle name is Marie.
- I played the "C flute" for 4 years and I was pretty damn good.
- Green tea makes me really nauseaus.
- I don't have a driverslicense.
- If there's a beat - I'm dancing.
- I cook a mean curry.
- I sing in the shower..and I don't care.
- I think peanutbutter is fantastic (straight from the jar of course).
- I twirl my hair when I'm nervous.
- My ears are very sensitive!
- I'm a littel bit supersticious.
- I absolutely love the ocean but I'm terrified of sharks.
- My longest relationship lasted 4 years.
- My short term memory really sucks...thank god for post-it notes!
- I've never fired a gun.
Ska träna idag tänkte jag!!! Prova i alla fall. Om jag kör styrka så borde det vara ok, går lite lugnt på bandet en stund. Jag läääängtar!

Analyze that..
It's the infamous "Malmöfestivalen" and I just got back from Lilla Torg. Met up with Cc and Jenny and had a few drinks and listened to Anna Ternheim and Bob Hund..nice! The thing I like the most about the festival is the people, or should I say, I like to sit and just watch 'em go by, cause believe me you get all sorts! The drunks, the teens, the punks, the emo's, the hippies, the students, the weirdos, the hillbillies, the oldies and the parents with kids. It's mayhem, and it's free.
Just watched it. It's such a great film, seriously. This is a movie that really gets to me. So tragic and horrible. Viggo Mortensen deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Why is it, if you been out drinking, the next day you walk around with a constant taste of iron in your mouth!?! As if you've been sucking on a metalpipe all night! (which I havn't by the way) Why? Anyone, please enlighten me. Either it's some sort of deficiency or over cunsumption of something. I need to google this...
"Assumptions is the mother of all f*cuk-ups"
You cool your bed-warm hands down
On the broken radiator
And when you lay them freezing on me
I mumble, "Can you wake me later?"
But I don't want you to stop
And you know it so it doesn't stop you
And run your hands from my neck to my chest
Crack the shutters open wide
I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays
Tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours
Finding new ways to be awed each minute
'Cause the daylight seems to want you
Just as much as I want you
It's been minutes, It's been days
It's been all I will remember
Happy lost in your hair
and the cold side of the pillow
Your hills and valleys
Are mapped by my intrepid fingers
And in a naked slumber
I dream all this again...
Crack the shutters - Snowpatrol
On the broken radiator
And when you lay them freezing on me
I mumble, "Can you wake me later?"
But I don't want you to stop
And you know it so it doesn't stop you
And run your hands from my neck to my chest
Crack the shutters open wide
I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays
Tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours
Finding new ways to be awed each minute
'Cause the daylight seems to want you
Just as much as I want you
It's been minutes, It's been days
It's been all I will remember
Happy lost in your hair
and the cold side of the pillow
Your hills and valleys
Are mapped by my intrepid fingers
And in a naked slumber
I dream all this again...
Crack the shutters - Snowpatrol
I'm in a really good mood! The sun is out, I feel rested, I slept all night - no coughing, cleaned the flat yesterday and dealt with a few things I've been putting of, I even cooked! There's only one thing left that i REALLY crave: a good workout! I wanna sweat, feel my muscles burn and ache and get my pulse raised into a frenzy. I got som much untapped energy I fell like the duracelbunny. Oh god I miss it!

Ok, fine so I had BK for lunch...so sue me. I thought it might get my apetite going ...but no. Didn't even finish my fries. N
ot sure what happened but I don't fancy anything! I've lost 3 kilos in two weeks! I have been sick though. And why is it that when I lose weight it always shows on my upper body? (It's not like I've got much to spare up there!!) Why can't I loose some on the ass instead? Hmm??

So I'm in the bathroom, trying to fix my hair, which is a mess by the way. All of a sudden my concience has returned from it's vacation and starts ranting!
Gonna watch "Pride & Prejudice" in a minute. I'm in the mood for some chivalry and romance, to things that are pretty much extinct these days. Not usually a big fan of Kiera Knightley, but I feel a bit sorry for her and her humongous underbite. She could litterary drown in the shower if she forgott to shut her gob.
Quote of today:
"When It comes to love, the journey is as important as the destination"
Quote of today:
"When It comes to love, the journey is as important as the destination"
Fick höra denna vits i helgen, den är så förbannat tråkig. En anka kommer in på en krog. Sätter sej på barstolen och frågar krögaren:
Ankan - har du bröd?
Krögaren - nej, jag har inget bröd.
Ankan -har du bröd?
Krögaren - nej, jag har inget bröd!
Ankan - Har du bröd?
Krögaren - Jag har inget jävla bröd, frågar du en gång till spikar jag fast näbben och dina vingar i bardisken!
Ankan - har du spik?
Krögaren - nej, hör du illa, jag har inga spik!
Ankan - har du bröd?
Ankan - har du bröd?
Krögaren - nej, jag har inget bröd.
Ankan -har du bröd?
Krögaren - nej, jag har inget bröd!
Ankan - Har du bröd?
Krögaren - Jag har inget jävla bröd, frågar du en gång till spikar jag fast näbben och dina vingar i bardisken!
Ankan - har du spik?
Krögaren - nej, hör du illa, jag har inga spik!
Ankan - har du bröd?
I woke up last night to the loudest bang, I was convienced a bomb had gone off. Then I heard the rain, pelting down on the window, and then another one. We're talking serious thunderstorm! It was sooo loud.
I like it though. Love to cuddle up in the sofa, with a blanket. Light candles and just listen. It's just so powerful, makes you feel kinda puny. Thunderstorms over the ocean are the best ones. It lights up the sea and the colours are amazing. So I feel a bit tired today, couldn't fall bak to sleep, it was way to intense!
I like it though. Love to cuddle up in the sofa, with a blanket. Light candles and just listen. It's just so powerful, makes you feel kinda puny. Thunderstorms over the ocean are the best ones. It lights up the sea and the colours are amazing. So I feel a bit tired today, couldn't fall bak to sleep, it was way to intense!

I'm gonna take long walks by the sea, do hardcore sessions at the gym, eat healthy, have early nights, no more smoking and cut out alcohol for a while.
Hasta luego
Vickan had a crayfish party on saturday. Good fun. I ate so much! It's a good thing it's only once a year, otherwise I'd probably over eat.
It's cosy. Love the funny hats, the laterns and stupid songs. Her brother had the best one, unfortunately it's impossible to try and explain. But my god, I laughed so hard my jaw acctually hurt the next morning.
Spent Sunday trying to get back to Malmö. Had to take the bus and train, two hours later...christ.
Went for dinner at Cecilias yesterday. Kinda sad. She's selling her apartement and it was probably the last time we were there. Gonna miss it!
Morning. Had a really shitty nightsleep. Coughing, tossing and turning and really weird dreams. So I feel a bit off today. The sun is out though so I'm gonna try and catch some rays this afternoon. Can't believe my holidays are almost over. Start working on Monday and I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to it at all.
I've had a really good summer, one of the best in many years. I've had almost five weeks of in a row which has never happened before. I so needed it. Feels a bit like summer is over, but that's not true. We get some great indian summer nights all the way in to October if we're lucky, so I'm really gonna try and make the most of it.
Anyhow, gonna hit the shower now and have some breakfast. Talk to u's later.
So, apparently, according to the doctor, I got pneumonia. In your face freaky nurse!
Great, managed to get a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning. Why is it that when you call up and speak to the nurse they always sounds really sceptic, like they don't believe you.
Phone call to doctors surgery:
Me: - Hello, I need to see a doctor asap please.
Nurse: - Why? (I can feel her eyes squinting)
Me: - Cause I'm sick....(duhh)
Nurse: - Whats wrong with you?
Me: - I'm coughing my lungs out.
Nurse: - Is it a chest infection?
Me: - How would I know, that's why I need to see a doctor... (christ!)
Nurse: - Are you coughing?
Me: - eeeh YES..
Nurse: - ok, I think you might need to see the doctor.
Me: - Really, you think!
Nurse: - 9.20 am tomorrow, is that ok?
Me: - Perfect! ... (weirdo)
I'm not sure were to start. I've never been there before so I didn't quite know what to expect. Cc been telling me all about it but still, it's kinda hard to imagine. But nothing prepared me for this.
From day one we were treated like royalty. Ugo picked us up at the airport and took us back to Jaime's and we spent the afternoon by the pool chatting and sipping drinks. Now, you have to bare in mind that I never met these people before, Cc's met some of them but that was a while back. After a while Mauri arrived, he's the guy who set us up at Jaimes place, and the afternoon carried on. It just all clicked. These guys are the nicest guys, easy to talk to, down to earth, incredibly generous and a whole lot of fun to hang out with. We all made plans to go to this party the next day at this private Finca.
Finca de la Concepcion! This venue is awsome. The setting was fantastic. Everything was outdoors, big stage, fountain in the middle, live music, Burlesque dancers, free bar, Dj Martin Solveig and Ruben Moran playing his saxophone. So there we were dancing away barefeet in the grass with a happy crowd. The place was going off! This night was unforgettable.
We spent most of our days by the pool chillin and when we went out it was always five star! Seriously, these boys knows how to party. We went to some great clubs: Olivia Valere, Dreamers and Tibu/Bubbles. Really good music and a great vibe every time. We would get there and we would dance more or less until closing. And you all know me, as long as I'm dancing I'm happy.
On my Bday Mauri took us out to Pappardella, an Italian restaurant in Puerto Banus. The food was exquisit! We washed it all down with some salmon pink-rosé champagne from Laurent-Perrier. Later Mauri's cousin Mario and his friend Amanda joined us and we all went to Studio 10 and the carried on to Dreamers. It was a fab evening and we ended it by watching the sun come up by the poolside at home. Honestly, could it get any better? No, I don't think so.
Obviously we did a bit of sightseeing, tried to do some shopping but failed miserably!?! I know, how is this possible! We also met up with Cc's cousins and went for dinner with them at their friends house. We borrowed Jaime's jeep and drove around a bit aswell and Cc got to show me were she used to live and some of the sights.
The journey back was f*cking awful. I felt really sad when Ccs cousin was driving us to the airport. I had this horrible lump in the pit of my stomach and my chest was all tight. We had to spend eight hours in Brussels before catching our plane to Copenhagen and I'm telling you, Brussels sucks! It was like the twilight zone, completly empty and bloody freezing too. No joke, I now sound like Barry White and have a cold from hell.
I could harp on about this all day and probably still not do it justice. Bottom line is, I loved it, I love the people I met and I'm definately going back! I miss it terribly already.
I'll leave yo with some "Marbella" tunes!
Mauri. Now there's a man who is one of a kind. A diamond in the rough. Not many people intrigue me, and a very selected few has made an impact on me. You did both!
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