The only reason the grass seems greener on the other side is beacause you haven't looked after the grass that you are currently standing on. No grass stays green forever unless you care for it, and if it does, well then I can assure you it is definatley full of pestasides and you will most likely get an allergic reaction at some point and wish you'd taken better care of that plot of grass that was once yours.

Everything dies without nourishment, including grass. With a bit of imagination, fertilizer and green fingers you could end up with some p r e t t y awsome greenery. And who knows, you might even end up cultivating your very own string of grass one day.

Nothing wrong with keeping your eyes on the horizon, just remember, illusions are built out of thin air, dreams come true on solid ground.
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1 Response
  1. Anonym Says:

    Well spoken!

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